• 陽光學校條款細則

    16.陽光學校保留隨時修改有關條款及細則之權利而無需另行通知。 如有任何爭議,將以陽光學校之最終決定為準。


    1. Students must provide complete and correct information when applying for the course and confirmation information will be sent based on the contact information provided by the parents.
    2. All paid fees are non-refundable and courses are non-transferable.
    3.Monthly tuition will not be reserved for those who have not used up for more than 3 months; credits will not be reserved if lessons gave not been used up after 6 months if enrolling 10 lessons packages; credits will not be reserved if lessons gave not been used up after 12 months if enrolling 20 lessons packages.
    4. If students are absent from class for any reason, please inform us one day in advance.
    5. Students will be admitted on a first-come-first-served basis and spots are limited.
    6. Sunshchool reserves the right to change the schedule, content and instructors of the original course when necessary.
    7. The personal data provided by the Greenkey during the registration process will be handled in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong.
    8. Students and parents are advised to take care of your personal belongings during class.
    9. Please inform us in advance if you have any inconvenience in taking photos or videos for future promotion and publicity purposes.
    10. Parents and caregivers of students are not allowed to record, filming or take photographs in the classroom during the class.
    11. Sunshchool shall not be responsible for any direct or indirect injury or property damage suffered by any customer or any person in connection with any of the courses at the Sunshchool. Parents shall indemnify and hold harmless the Sunshchool from and against all actions, claims or damages arising out of the Sunshchool's acts, omissions or in any way resulting in loss or damage.
    12. All facilities, teaching tools, materials and toys in the Sunshchool are the property of the Sunshchool and may not be copied or imitated by any individual.
    13. Sunshchool reserves the right to take any appropriate action to ensure the safety and harmony of the Sunshchool and to prevent any danger, nuisance or annoyance from occurring, including stopping all activities at the Sunshchool, or suspending classes, or asking the person causing the nuisance to leave the Sunshchool, or reporting the matter to the police. All fees paid will not be reimbursed.
    14. You are not advised to wear high heels, sandals or flip-flops on the Sunshchool premises.
    15. All course content is the copyright of the Sunshchool and may not be reproduced, distributed either offline and online or used illegally. Sunshchool reserves the right to prosecute.
    16. Sunshchool reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. In the event of any dispute, the decision of the Sunshchool shall be final.
    17. In the event of any inconsistency between the Chinese version and the English version of these terms and conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.